John Voelcker
John Voelcker

Session Details
Fascia Lift: The Future of Electric Drive (Moderator)
May 20, 2:00pm-3:15pm
The small light-duty vehicle segment has received the majority of EV offerings, but in a market where pick-ups, SUVs, and sedans dominate, how is electric drive evolving?
John Voelcker is an automotive journalist and industry analyst. He specializes in advanced technologies, particularly powertrains and the energy policies that affect them. As senior editor at High Gear Media for almost five years, he edits and contributes to and His work also appears in Wired, Popular Science, Technology Review, IEEE Spectrum, and other periodicals, and he has been a regular guest on Fox Car Report and Sirius Satellite Radio. He covers the market prospects for electric-drive vehicles between now and 2025 for UK industry analyst Just-Auto, and has been invited to speak on that topic to automakers and at industry events. He is also part of the screening committee for World Green Car of the Year. John received a bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering from Stanford University. He splits his time among New York City, San Francisco, and the Catskill Mountains, and still has hopes of becoming an international man of mystery.